Notice: The York Region Amateur Radio Club repeater system is open for use by all qualitied amateur radio operators. Use of the repeater system in contravention of the Canada Radiocommunication Act is forbidden. Use the repeater system in violation of any applicable law is forbidden. The York Region Amateur Radio Club Inc. will report any material violations of regulations or laws to the appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada, or to law enforcement. In addition, anyone found to be using the repeaters in any way that repeatedly causes discomfort or offence to other users may be suspended or permanently banned from club repeaters
Note that the link from VE3YRC-UHF to VE3YRA-VHF is currently out of service.
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Linked FM repeater system.
The linked FM repeater system includes one FM VHF repeater in Ballantrae (VE3YRA-V), plus UHF (VE3YRC-U) repeater in Richmond Hill. The two analogue repeaters are normally linked together to provide coverage for the entire York region and beyond.
Both the VE3YRA and VE3YRC UHF sites each use an SCom 7330 controller.
Yaesu System Fusion
The club has a Yaesu System Fusion VHF (Analogue/Digital) repeater in Aurora. This repeater is currently connected to the internet for Wires-X capability.
Node is 51844 VE3YRC-RPT
Room is 61844 VE3YRC-ROOM
The system uses a Yaesu DR-2X repeater.
The new DMR repeater is located at our Aurora site as VE3YRA-U
The repeater is a Motorola XPR 8300
It is currently not connected to the internet
The relocated D-STAR system is located at our Richmond Hill site and is VHF only at this time.
This D-STAR system uses an ID-RP2C Repeater Controller with an ID-RP2000V VHF Module.
It is currently not connected to the internet
Trailer Repeater
The York Region ARC communications trailer is also host to a repeater that is operated for use during public service events and EmComm/ARES Callouts.
The repeater is operated as VE3RCY-V when in operation using 145.250MHz and a PL of 100.0Hz.
The repeater is a Motorola MTR2000 (40 watt VHF model) with an external Advanced Computer Controls ("ACC") RC 96 controller.
IRLP and Echolink Status
YRARC offers both IRLP and Echolink capabilities through IRLP Node 2920 and Echolink VE3YRC-R, via the VE3YRA 145.350 MHz repeater.
Instructions for using Echolink and IRLP