Frequencies in use for
York Region
ARES York Region has not been activated at this time. We are available for activation and the Health and Welfare net is part of that ARES York Region group, supported by YRARC Public Service.
ARES never self activates and has no request from the local municipalities or the York Region.
Health and Welfare Net is operational EVERY day, except club meeting nights, at 8:30PM on VE3YRA (VHF) and VE3YRC (UHF), please see repeaters page for details.
Local Net during COVID-19
Date: EVERY DAY, except first Tuesday of the month, Sep-Jun.
Location: VE3YRA Repeater system
Time: 8:30 PM
Program: Emergency, roll-call, then general check-in net.
Health and Welfare Net is operational EVERY day at 8:30 PM on VE3YRA (VHF) and VE3YRC (UHF), please see repeaters page for details.
Request for Volunteer Net Controllers - please contact Mike at emcomm@yrarc.org
It's an opportunity to learn if you have not done this before.
Terms used during NET Operations.
Acknowledge - Let me know that you have received and understood this message
Affirmative - Yes, or Permission Granted.
Break - Indicate separation between portions of a message or,
I wish to use the frequency for priority traffic
Break Break - I wish to use the frequency for a real emergency (Mayday preferred)
Confirm - My version is ... is that correct?
Contact - I heard a station on the net and wish to address him (net control provides permission)
Correction - An error has been made in this transmission or message. The correct version is.
Go ahead - Proceed with your message or transmission
How do you read?
I say again or say again - I am repeating a message or asking for a retransmission
Negative - No, or permission no granted, not correct or I do not agree
Over - My transmission has ended and I expect a response.
Out - My transmission has ended and I do not expect a response.
Readback - Repeat this message back to me exactly as received after I have given OVER
Recheck - Asking net control to get back into the net for unfinished business
Roger - I have received your transmission.
That is correct - That is correct
Verify - Check text with originator and send correct version.
Wilco - Your instructions have been received and will be complied with
Local York Region 6M SSB Net
Date: Monday and Wednesday every week
Location: York region and surrounding area
Time: 8:00 - 8:25PM Local Time
Location: 50.135 MHz USB, Horizontal polarization.
On Monday and Wednesday evenings, Chris VE3NRT runs a 6M SSB net on 50.135MHz USB, beaming south (170 degrees true) from west Aurora. Will rotate beam as required.