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Club Meetings 2024-2025

Our meetings take place on the first Tuesday of every month from September to June at the Sharon Temperance Hall 18974 Leslie St,, Sharon.


We're starting off the season with a talk about the King Township Fire Service simulated emergency test, and we're gradually filling in the calendar for the rest of the season.​


We'll be keeping our usual holiday party, January "junk on the table" event, and the Annual Meeting in June. Let us know if there's a topic you'd like to speak to the club about.​

Club Meeting Dates  2022-2023

At each meeting, except for the June Annual General Meeting, the December holiday social, and the January swap shop, we feature a presentation or demonstration on a topic of interest to club members and guests. Anyone with an interest in the amateur radio hobby is welcome to attend.

The use of the Sharon Temperance Hall would not be possible without the kindness of the Sharon Temple National Historic Site & Museum.


The next general meeting is at 7:30 on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023.


We are always looking for speakers on ham radio topics. Please contact us if you'd like to share your knowledge, experience or story with the club. 


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