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Echolink and IRLP Instructions

A person on another repeater can link with the VE3YRA repeater system via Echolink by sending * followed by the Echolink Node Number but IRLP is much better for "repeater to repeater" linking. Echolink's main advantage is linking to a repeater using a computer, smartphone or tablet.


IRLP (Internet Radio Linking Project) was designed to link repeaters, so you use a repeater at both ends of the communication. Echolink can also do this but its number one feature is the ability to link up to a repeater without a radio, using a computer, smartphone, or tablet.


You can talk with a remote Echolink user on VE3YRA (VHF) or VE3YRC UHF. If the remote user is sending a "CQ" or call out to anyone, please answer and welcome them to the repeater. If they are calling a specific station, wait for that other station to answer. Let the other station do the disconnect at their end. If they ask you to, you can disconnect by sending 73 on YRC VHF only.


Whether using Echolink or IRLP remotely or locally, please observe the YRARC repeater terms of use.


Procedure for using IRLP via RF on the club repeaters for repeater linking:

  1. Listen for activity on the repeaters. Proceed if clear.

  2. On VE3YRA (VHF) only, IDENTIFY your station and say "your call" for IRLP and touchtone the four-digit IRLP number for the remote repeater you desire. You can find IRLP numbers here .

  3. Listen for the response. When successfully linked, listen for activity in progress on the other repeater. When clear, make your call. IDENTIFY yourself as you are now transmitting on a new frequency at a new location.

  4. When finished, turn off the link by sending 73. The disconnect message will be heard if successful. Repeat if not. DO NOT leave a link up for extended periods, especially during busy mornings and late afternoons.

  5. Avoid using during the morning and afternoon rush periods.


Note: VE3YRA is node 2920


Procedure for Echolink via RF on the club repeaters:

Same as IRLP, but the digits of the remote repeater, reflector or station is preceded by *. Disconnect with 73 and do not leave on when finished. You can find Echolink numbers here.

Echolink via your computer, phone, tablet: when connected LISTEN for activity before transmitting and IDENTIFY.


Note: VE3YRA is Echolink node 580457




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