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Minutes - YRARC General Meeting 2017-03-07

Meeting held in the Sharon Temperance Hall. Called to Order at 19:32 by Chris VE3NRT Welcome & Introductions – Chris VE3NRT Adoption of the Minutes from the 2017/01/03 and 2017/02/07 general meetings, moved Rick VA3VO and seconded Jack VA3UU. Carried. Treasurer’s Report – John VA3JI Opening Balance 2017/02/01 [Available to members on request to club Secretary] Income: Membership dues $25.00 Expenditures: None Closing Balance 2017/03/07 [Available to members on request to club Secretary] Moved the treasurer's report be adopted, by Glen VE3AU, seconded Jack VA3UU. Carried Trillium Grant – Eric VE3EB. We will probably not have a proposal by June, for a July submission. Field Day – Steve VE3UT. At Winter Field Day, Charles VA3TTB made his first ever QSOs. Our final score (6348) was much better than 2 years ago (2015), however the ground rods were frozen into the ground after thaw/freeze cycles, and we need a solution to lower our generator fuel costs. For Summer Field Day, Steve will be away in May and June, and Rick VA3VO will be in charge. We will be at the same location – Al's Tack Shop, 4812 Vandorf Rd. The property has been divided and all stations will be on one property. Peter VE3PBT has checked food costs, which were up by 3.7% in 2015 and up 2.3% in 2016. The increase for 2017 could be 13% over last year because of rising food costs and basic supplies (plates, knives, forks) also need to be replaced. The cost per person for food could possibly increase from $10 to $15 or $20 if he club only pays for fuel and toilets, and does not subsidize the food costs. We will need to know by the AGM how many members will want meals at Field Day in order to purchase adequate food. Projector – Steve VE3UT. We need a new projector, and the proposed cost is $500 plus tax. Moved by Mike VE3MKX, seconded by Rick VA3VO, that we purchase the projector for $500 plus tax. Carried EmComm – John VE3IPS. At the last Fox Hunt, 15 people participated. The next Fox Hunt will be on March 25, meeting at McDonalds in Aurora, between 08:00 and 08:30. All go-kits need to have their batteries charged. There will be an EmComm SET in May. Membership – Barry VA3LLT. We have 3 new members, 40 regular members, 5 associate members, 17 family members and 9 life members. Total members 71. Break 20:04 – 20:20 Guest Speaker Mike VE3MKX. Mike spoke on one his other hobbies - Weather Observation and Recording.

He spoke about the data that can be collected with a weather station and observation, including temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, visibility, atmospheric pressure, hours of sunshine, cloud cover and types of clouds. Quality equipment is better, since it will often last longer and can yield more accurate information that lower end equipment.

The data obtained could just be retained for personal reference, or shared with others.

Popular web sites include (Cdn weather) (US weather) and

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